Post Christmas Decor: Extend the Festive Feeling

Post Christmas decorating essentialsIt happens every year. I spend endless hours decorating for Christmas. Our home is simply filled with vibrant color and festive sparkle. Then, all too quickly, Christmas is over. The whimsical ornaments, snowglobes, and nutcracker displays are packed away and the house looks… desolate. Because this is so depressing to me (all of that work for such a little bit of time!) I have started developing my own Post Christmas Decor.

The all-white concept is certainly not new. But, it is appropriate for the often snow-laden days in January and weans me off of the Christmas decorations… a bit.

Currently, I have numerous snowmen and winter white items that only come out in after Christmas. And this season, I am looking forward to adding to my little cache of snowy objects.

And, I am not the only one! According to the recent article “13 Winter Decorating Tricks Designers Rely On to Make a Home Feel Cozy” in Martha Stewart Living, author Nina Derwin says, “”You can subtly add a wintry mood to your space by adding light garlands, a little Christmas village, a garland on your mantel if you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, a pine wreath on the wall, etc.,” says Chaumien. Choosing too many items can feel cluttered, but one or two carefully chosen pieces can instantly create a cheerful and elegant wintery ambiance.”

Here a few of my favorite ways to keep that holiday feeling alive!

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PHOTO CREDIT: Used with permission and created using Polyvore.

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Susan Said… WHAT?! is your guide to a life filled with style. From must-have fashion and accessories, to gorgeous gardens, stunning interiors, plus the latest products for parties, weddings, and events of all kinds. Susan Conforte McNeill is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the literacy organization Success Won’t Wait! Susan Said…WHAT?! was named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone.


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      My husband used to get exasperated with me for being sad after Christmas. But, now that I have a plan, it’s not nearly so bad to take down the holiday decorations, because I have something fun to put up. Of course, that means more boxes of stuff in the garage… he’s not too thrilled about that. LOL!

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