Don’t Delay Implementing This, If Moisture Is Making Its Way Into Your Roofing System

Don’t Delay Implementing This, If Moisture Is Making Its Way Into Your Roofing SystemHomes are major investments. They’re the most expensive purchases most people make in their lifetimes. On top of the actual purchase price, the costs of maintenance, upkeep, and improvements also come into play. Those are necessary expense that help homeowners maximize their investments, raising their value, and making them last as long as possible.

Several components come together to make up a house, including its structural elements, plumbing and electrical systems, foundation, building envelope, and roofing system. All those aspects work in tandem to maintain the home’s structural integrity and energy efficiency, among other factors. One of the most important of those is the roof. It aids in protecting the house against the elements and plays a significant role in how efficient and comfortable the home is for its occupants.

Taking Care of Your Home’s Roof

Taking care of a house and the surrounding property is essential for homeowners. Though all the components that make up the house are crucial, taking optimal care of the roof is the key to preserving the rest of the house. Moisture is one of the most common and destructive issues homeowners face. Moisture in the roofing system can be prevented through various roofing relief solutions, but homeowners need to understand how to determine if they have moisture intrusion and why it’s such a problem.

Signs of Moisture Intrusion in the Roof

Several signs can be indications that moisture is making its way into your roof. One of the most obvious is water stains on the ceiling. Unfortunately, by the time dark stains begin to appear on the ceiling, moisture damage to the roof and attic may be extensive. To keep widespread and costly damage at bay, consider keeping a close watch for other signs of problems.

  • Wet Insulation. When water is seeping into the roof, the insulation is a prime spot for it to settle. In turn, the insulation stays damp virtually all the time and becomes a breeding ground for mold and mildew. This also detracts from the effectiveness of the insulation.
  • Decaying Wood. Wood naturally decays over time. Moisture, fungi, and microorganisms come together to make this process take place. If you find decaying wood in the attic, it’s a sure sign that moisture has invaded. The longer the problem is left unresolved, the worse it will get.
  • Rusty Nails or Screws. If you don’t find wet insulation or decaying wood in the attic, that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have a moisture problem. It could simply be in its early stages. Look for rusty nails or screws in the attic. They’re among the first signs that excess moisture is entering the space.

Those are only a few of the possible warning signs of moisture in your roof. Keep in mind that moisture can gather between the layers of the roofing materials as well. Be sure to have the roof inspected regularly to catch potential moisture entry points and other issues early before the problem gets out of hand.

Don’t Delay Implementing This, If Moisture Is Making Its Way Into Your Roofing System

Avoiding the Problems that Come with Moisture

Moisture coming in through the roof can cause numerous problems. Mold and mildew growth are among the most common. On top of those, leaks can cause wood to decay at alarming rates, an issue that could ultimately affect the entire house. Moisture damage leads to monumental repair expenses. Work with a professional roofer to help keep moisture out of the equation and protect your investment as much as possible.

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Named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone, Susan Said… WHAT?! is your guide to a life filled with style. From beauty, fashion and accessories, to gorgeous gardens and stunning interiors, plus the latest products and ideas for chic parties, you’ll find it here. Editor Susan Conforte McNeill is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the literacy organization Success Won’t Wait


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  1. 5
    Dana Matthews

    I’ve experienced this before and your post is spot on. Wish I had access to it a few years ago….I ended up with mold and it was costly to fix the problem and remove it.

  2. 6

    This is good information. I’m in a condo complex, and these condos can be terrible about leaks, ours have been leaking for several years and they won’t remedy it, the problem near me is a leaking chimney. It is a nightmare. Be careful about any property you buy, our complex scrapes and covers over the leaks to get past inspections, then the leaks start showing again. Telltale signs are important to be looking for, as you might not see a bucket.

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