#Giveaway! $48 Carnelian Gemstone Wishbeads Bracelet

#Giveaway! $48 Carnelian Wishbeads BraceletWhat is a Wishbeads bracelet? The brainchild of speaker, author, and entrepreneur Alexa Fischer, a Wishbeads bracelet is a unique piece of jewelry that helps you name, visualize, and achieve your goals.

How does a simple bracelet empower you to go after your dreams, build confidence, and finally break free from fear? It’s actually a brilliant concept. Each stunning bracelet contains a tiny hollow cylinder. Simply write down your deepest wish, tuck it inside your Wishbeads bracelet, screw it closed on your wrist and wear it as a daily reminder to take action to live purposefully toward realizing your wish.

Wishbeads offers several collections of gorgeous bracelets. My favorite is the Intention Collection, which is a selection of stunning natural gemstones, each with a specific intention for the wearer. For example, black onyx helps develop emotional and physical strength in times of turmoil; amethyst restores a sense of calm; and carnelian, pictured, helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. Other options include stunning African turquoise, tiger eye, coral jade, rose quartz, black lava rock, light jade, grey agate, jasper, labradorite, and grass agate. The Intention Collection retails for $48 per bracelet.

With positivity and determination, you can make your wishes – whatever they may be – come true! Visit Wishbeads to see the entire line of beautiful jewelry.

Now, one lucky Susan Said… WHAT?! reader will win a beautiful $48 Carnelian Gemstone Bracelet!  To enter, simply use our easy Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is available for readers in the CONTINENTAL USA, aged 18+. Odds are determined by the number of entries received.  Giveaway ends 7-20. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

LET US SHARE YOUR AMAZING PRODUCT OR SERVICE. HERE’S HOW: If you have a fashion, beauty, fitness or home/garden style product line or service and want an honest evaluation, or if you would like to create a giveaway event, please contact us.

DISCLAIMER: No financial compensation was received in exchange for this giveaway post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services that I believe will be good for my readers.

Since 2009, Susan Said… WHAT?! has been your guide to a life filled with style. From must-have fashion and accessories, to gorgeous gardens, stunning interiors, plus the latest products for parties, weddings, and events. Susan Conforte McNeill is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the literacy organization Success Won’t Wait! Susan Said…WHAT?! was named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone.


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  1. 3
    Leigh Nichols

    Carnelian is so beautiful- I would definitely keep this and enclose a message to my daughter in Heaven, asking her to communicate with me somehow. I miss her so

  2. 13

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/16 comment)

  3. 14

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/15 comment)

  4. 18
    Amy Jo

    I hate to sound like a brat, but I would keep it and have the quote that I have tattooed on my arm in it. The quote that keeps me going daily, I can be changed by what happens to me but I refuse to be reduced by it -Maya Angelou

  5. 19

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/14 comment)

  6. 23

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/13 comment)

  7. 25

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/12 comment)

  8. 30

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/10 comment)

  9. 32

    Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments.

  10. 33

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/9 comment)

  11. 35

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! (7/8 comment)

  12. 58
    Teresa Kunberger

    Id love to keep this but i think my mother would love this and i would place a wish of health and happiness in it for her!

  13. 63
    Christina Gould

    One wish I would enclose in the bracelet is that my children will be happy and healthy. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

    • 69
      Lauryn R

      This is such a great idea! One wish that I would put in it is for my children to stay healthy, determined, and always follow their dreams no matter who stands in their way. I would probably keep it for myself. Carnelian is special because it helps you shed worry so you can be your bold, spontaneous, loving self. I didn’t know this!

  14. 78

    It is special because it has been associated with kings and other royalty since the dawn of civilization and was commonly used as seals and amulets in ancient kingdoms.

  15. 80
    Jeanna Massman

    I would wish for my family to be safe and happy. Carnelian restores vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices.

  16. 83
    Lissa Crane

    I would love to win this and gift it to my daughter who is graduating from college. It would make the perfect gift to hold her wishes upon starting this new chapter in her life.

  17. 85

    I would enclose a wish to see an old friend very soon. I think carnelian is special because it is a keepsake. I would gift this to my dear friend.

  18. 89
    Audrey Stewart

    I would wish for some cat carriers for my cats. I will need them if I have to evacuate from a hurricane. I live on the South Carolina coast. I shelter elderly cats and I’m to old to ride one out.

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