If it’s considered a handbag, I’ve got it. Oversized totes, tiny beaded bags, ladylike clutches – I love them all. One of the reasons I am so enamored is the sheer number of options. Should I choose the houndstooth satchel or the mock croc Kelly bag? Decisions, decisions! The other reason I love handbags is that they don’t need to fit. Trying on clothing is an exercise fraught with difficult-to-answer-questions. Will this jacket cover the waistband of the pants I have in mind? Will this skirt match the boots I already have? And of course, does this dress make me look fat?!
Handbags, however, are a balm to the shopper’s soul. Endless styles and sizes enough to satisfy even the most discriminating fashionista. And this season, they are available in a veritable rainbow of colors, including the Pantone Top 10 Colors for Spring.
- Dolce Gabbana leather handbag (£860 – profilebrighton.co.uk)
- Tiffany Co leather satchel handbag ($995 – tiffany.com)
- Furla tote bag (€199 – zenggi.com)
- Pineider clutch bag ($165 – forzieri.com)
- Marc jacobs handbag (£509 – farfetch.com)
- Kate spade bag ($345 – couture.zappos.com)
- Fiorelli green bag (£35 – debenhams.com)
- Christian Louboutin summer bag (tooklookbook.com)
Above is a list of Pantone Top 10 Colors for Spring. I recommend handbags in every shade!
Thanks for reading! While you’re here, please take come time to enter our fashion, beauty and home / garden style giveaways. And, if you enjoyed this Pantone Top 10 Colors for Spring post, don’t forget to visit Women’s Fashion for more must-have fashion trends.
Susan Said…WHAT?! was named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone and is your guide to a life filled with style. From must-have fashion and accessories, to gorgeous gardens, stunning interiors, plus the latest products for parties, weddings, and events of all kinds, you’ll find it here. In addition to writing Susan Said… WHAT?! Susan Conforte McNeill is a book author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the literacy organization Success Won’t Wait!
DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: No financial compensation/product samples of the handbags mentioned above were received in exchange for this post. I only recommend products or services that I believe will be good for my readers.
PHOTO: Used with permission and created using Polyvore.