Beat The Heat… In STYLE

Beat the heat dome in styleFeeling the heat? Blame the heat dome! According to Wikipedia, “A heat dome is caused when atmosphere traps hot ocean air, as if bound by a lid or cap… The upper air weather patterns are slow to move, referred to by meteorologists as an Omega block.”

This weekend, the entire Eastern half of the US is set to receive a furnace blast of heat that will stretch from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic, and even up into the Northeast. Sweltering temps will impact approximately 260 million people from Chicago to Washington DC to Boston.

Despite the heat, life goes on. Work obligations, long-awaiting special events and even Father’s Day loom. Since we can’t all hide inside in the air conditioning, how can you beat the heat dome and remain super stylish (without melting) as temperatures soar toward triple digits? Here are five simple tips:

Black is a Cooling Color

The color black actually keeps you cooler than white. Although this may feel counterintuitive, it’s true. While black absorbs energy coming from the sun, it also absorbs energy from the body, instead of reflecting it back.

Of course, not all black fabrics are created equally. Breathable, loose-fitting cotton or linen choices, like the dress pictured, are best.

Keep Hair Away from the Face with Ponies, Headbands, and Messy Buns

Since the neck is a pulse point, it makes sense to keep it free of hair as temps surpass the 90 degree mark. To beat the heat, keep both long and short hair up. Choose a high pony, messy bun, or even simply keep it pulled away from the face with a cute headband.

Wear Minimal Jewelry

Keeping jewelry to a minimum will keep you infinitely cooler. Save the clinging collar necklaces, armfuls of bangles, and multiple knuckle rings for fall. Even dangly earrings can make you feel hot.

Opt instead, for simple stud earrings. But studs don’t have to be boring! Select whimsical earrings with personality.

Try a Pretty Parasols

Take a cue from Japanese women and carry a parasol.  Since Japan can be dangerously hot in the summer, savvy women carry their own personal sun protection. Today, there are even UV parasols, which are different from typical umbrellas. They actually have specially treated fabric that protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays. (Bonus: They are so Instagrammable!)

Don’t Forget a Broad Brimmed Hat

When a parasol isn’t an option, choose a cool, comfortable straw hat. A woven straw hat will allow air circulation, but will simultaneously keep the sun from roasting your head and hair.

Of course, it’s great to be stylish, but it’s more important to stay safe. For important tips on hydration, exercise, and more during a heat wave, visit CDC website’s heat stress and hydration section.

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DISCLAIMER: No financial compensation was received in exchange for this Beat The Heat… In Style post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers.

Named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone, Susan Said… WHAT?! is your guide to a life filled with style. From must-have fashion, handbags, jewelry and accessories, to gorgeous gardens and gardening tips, stunning interior design, plus the latest products for chic parties, you’ll find it here. Editor, author and entrepreneur Susan Conforte McNeill is also the co-founder of the Delaware based literacy organization Success Won’t Wait!


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    Lauryn R

    This is great advice for staying cool in the Summer! I actually had no idea about wearing black, I always avoid it (besides bathing suits)! I can definitely see how breathable black would be helpful though. Thank you so much for sharing.

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