We all get attached to our makeup. Just like a faithful pair of heels or your favourite top – it’s amazing how attached you can get to an eyebrow pencil! When you have a regular makeup routine, it’s amazing how quickly things can run down and run out – usually at a crucial moment on your social calendar…you might have the best mascara on the market but, how do you get the most out of it? Well, for tips and tricks of how you can get your money’s worth out of your makeup, read on!
Make Mascara Last
Mascara is a major part of any makeup arsenal, which is why it usually runs out first! If your mascara has inevitably dried up before you’ve got all the product out of it then don’t worry. All you need to do is moisten it. Simply add a few drops of saline solution into your mascara tube and gently mix it all together with the mascara wand. This will moisten the mascara – making it easier to apply and it’ll last long enough for you to get to the shops for a replacement.
Don’t Pump!
An additional tip for your mascara is don’t pump the wand! It’s a bad habit that all of us have done at some point. But if you tend to pump your mascara wand into the tube in order to get plenty of product on it, then you should stop! Pumping your mascara wand is pushing air into the tube which simply makes the mascara dry out quicker.
Scrape, Scrape… Scrape
It’s frustrating when you can see product in a tube or bottle and it just won’t come out. You can pump it all you want, it simply won’t budge. Your best bet is to unscrew the top and scrape out any remaining bits with cotton buds then transfer them to your brushes/sponges. If your lipstick has no more twist but you can still see product, then simply use a lip brush to finish it off.
Store it Properly
Many of us store makeup in the bathroom, it’s understandable as it’s were we get ready for the day. But moisture just isn’t good for your products. When you shower, you run the risk of moisture getting into your products which will decrease their shelf life and quality hugely. Simply store your makeup elsewhere.
Dealing with Smashes and Breaks
We’ve all done it, dropped our handbag or been clumsy and smashed our favourite blusher or eye shadow palette. Even though it looks hopeless and a little bit of you has died inside, all is not lost. Simply put the pieces back together and add a couple of drops of rubbing alcohol to make them stick. Voila!
Nail Polish Longevity
You might use the same colour nail polish for a while, then your taste might change. When you come back to it, it’s all hard and pretty unusable. But, before you throw it in the bin, try adding a couple of drops of nail polish thinner. It’ll revive it in no time!
Thanks so much for reading! While you’re here, please don’t forget to enter our most recent fashion, beauty and style giveaways. And, if you enjoyed this 6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Makeup Stash post, visit Women’s Health and Beauty for more beauty trends and finds.
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