Don’t Skip Winter Sunscreen! Protect and Moisturize with the UK’s Best from No7

Restore and Renew from No7Hitting the slopes this weekend? If you love winter sports, you know that a cozy hat will keep you warmer, texting gloves will make life easier, and moisturizing balm will keep chapped lips at bay. But, have you packed your winter sunscreen?

It’s easy to remember to slather on sunscreen in the summer when you are lounging poolside or enjoying the beach. But, too many of us forget that sunscreen is also essential in the winter months. Winter sun, combined with snow glare, can seriously damage skin. Applying sunscreen about 30 minutes before going outside offers vital protection.

A new favorite of mine is from No7, the British skincare brand. No7 Restore & Renew Multi Action Day Cream combines 30 SPF sunscreen with a light day moisturizer for maximum protection. Not only does the sunscreen help avoid sun damage, the face and neck cream reverses winter dryness, flaking and that itchy, tight feeling that skin can develop when the temps plummet. Skin stays hydrated and looks so healthy!

And, results just get better with regular use. The moisturizing elements are specially designed for mature skin, like mine. No7’s clinically proven Multi Action Serum nourishes mature skin which can become more fragile, uneven and less firm over time.

The anti-wrinkle, firming and brightening complexes provide more youthful looking skin (and frankly, who couldn’t use that?!). Skin is noticeably tighter and firmer, with a brighter “glow.” Fine lines and that horrid crepey look are also minimized.

Skin also feels wonderfully soft and smooth, with absolutely no type of greasy residue. In fact, I’ve found that makeup can be applied almost immediately. Retail $24.99 on Amazon.

Restore & Renew Multi Action Day Cream is just the latest from No7, the skincare and cosmetic product line developed by Boots UK. Since 1935, No7 has focused on delivering the best beauty solutions, helping women look and feel their best every day. Their breakthrough beauty solutions, such as No7 clinically proven serums, help women look great no matter that their age. In fact, No7 has become one of the UK’s favorite beauty brands!

In addition to the Restore & Renew Multi Action Day Cream, No7 offers skincare-infused foundations, concealers, blushers, and bronzers and so much more. To see the entire line, visit No7.

Thanks so much for visiting! While you are here, please take a moment to enter one of our new style giveaways. And, if you enjoyed this Winter Sunscreen post, please visit Women’s Health and Beauty for even more beauty essentials, trends and inspiration. 

NEED A PRODUCT REVIEW? Have a fashion, beauty or style product line and want an honest evaluation? Want to create a giveaway or promotion? Please contact us!

DISCLAIMER: No financial compensation was received in exchange for this Winter Sunscreen post. I did, however, receive a sample of the No7 Restore & Renew Multi Action Day Cream in order to test the product and provide an honest review. However, I only recommend products or services that I believe will be good for my readers.

Susan Said… WHAT?! is your guide to a life filled with style and was named one of the Top 50 Beauty Blogs in the World by RebateZone. You’ll find everything from fashion, jewelry, beauty and accessories, to gorgeous gardens and stunning interiors and DIY projects, plus the latest ideas events of all kinds. Susan Conforte McNeill is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the literacy organization Success Won’t Wait!

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  1. 4

    I use sunscreen year round. I was just thinking this morning I should be using it inside, too, as I’ve been home more due to trying to be safe for Covid, but those sun’s rays can still get ya when indoors, Better than throwing it out, too, as I have quite a bit that will only be good for so long.,

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