4 Tips to Determine if LED Skin Rejuvenation is Right For You

4 Tips To Determining If LED Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Are For YouHow does your skin look this fall? Tired? Dry? Older than it should? (Unfortunately, mine does, too!) Skin rejuvenation treatments such as laser treatments, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels work well alongside LED treatments. And increasingly, those of us who want to slow down the aging process (at least a little!) have turned to LED skin rejuvenation treatments to improve the look of their skin.

Several spas, salons and skin care experts like those at Pure Smile offer skin rejuvenation services with intensive hydration procedures that leave your skin looking healthy. A look at the tips below will help you determine if the LED skin rejuvenation treatment is suitable for you.

1. An alternative to surgery and other treatments

LED skin rejuvenation treatments are non-abrasive, relaxing, non-invasive, painless and do not cause skin inflammation, unlike some pulsed laser treatments. Backed up proven records from clinical studies, LED skin rejuvenation has been reported to be effective and safe.

Although results, are gradual and it might take several applications or sessions for you to see results, LED is a better alternative to treatments that involve surgery, the use of chemical peels, Botox, and other invasive treatments.

2. Help for those with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that fastens skin cell life cycle resulting in a build-up of cells on the skin surface. Itchy patches which are sometimes painful accumulate, forming red patches and scales. Although the condition comes and goes, people suffering from it are sometimes uncomfortable with their appearance.

4 Tips To Determining If LED Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Are For YouRecent studies have shown LED skin rejuvenation has the ability to reduce plaques associated with psoriasis. Patients showed a clearance rate of 60% to 100%. Alongside other treatments, LED stops the itching and pain associated with the condition. LED skin rejuvenation stops the skin cells from growing at a fast rate. If you suffer from this condition, you should give LED skin rejuvenation a try.

3. Take control of your acne

If you suffer from acne, LED offers you a painless solution to the scars that affect your complexion and facial appearance. With the ability to destroy acne-causing bacteria, LED rejuvenation treatments offer one of the best alternatives to reducing or removing acne. A few weeks of daily treatments are enough for you to see visible results.

4. LED skin rejuvenation helps with sagging skin, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone

Chances are very high that your skin will sag with time as you age. Wrinkles are likely to appear and frown lines form on your face. All these changes can have adverse effects on a person, mostly lowering their self-esteem due to the appearance. Uneven skin tone might occur from exposure to the sun leading to the formation of patches on your skin. In an attempt to tighten your skin, you can locate an expert in skin rejuvenation to carry out LED treatment for you.

LED treatments can greatly improve your appearance and give you a new look of confidence and youthfulness. However, these treatments are not for you if you are tanning and smoking, not taking proper diet or even sick, pregnant, epileptic or taking steroid injections. Always avoid looking directly into LED’s during treatment and the use of Glycolic acid products. LED can be in form of green, red or blue light therapy so consult at your spa, salon or specialist before deciding on which treatment to use.

While you are here, please take some time to enter our new giveawaysAnd, if you enjoyed this LED Skin Rejuvenation Treatments post, please visit Women’s Health and Beauty for even more beauty essentials, trends and finds.

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This paid guest post was supplied by Pure Smile.

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  1. 1
    Melissa O.

    Ok LED treatments sound gimmicky, I would never believe the hype if I hadn’t experienced it myself. I got a great deal on a red light therapy eye mask and after using it a few times, I would catch myself in the mirror and wonder what was different. After a couple weeks my husband started commenting on how my face looked more youthful. I told him it was the red light and he was shocked and he told me to keep it up. I am a believer!

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